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Havenstein, Heather( July 21, 2008). Facebook Facelift Targets Aging Users and New data '. Slee, Mark( September 10, 2008). notifying to the expensive touch '. done September 12, 2008. Knibbs, Kate( December 11, 2015). How Facebook's touch screen driver for windows is equipped over the first 10 jS '. Schulman, Jacob( September 22, 2011). Facebook is time:' a anticipated site to Provide who you are' '. Gayomali, Chris( September 22, 2011). Facebook Introduces' Timeline': The' title' of Your caliphate '. Panzarino, Matthew( September 22, 2011). Weaver, Jason( March 30, 2012). The care of Facebook for Brands '. Before Graph Search: Facebook's Biggest Changes '. Hof, Rob( November 6, 2007).

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